Sunday, July 11, 2010

Beer for the apocalypse [Beth, the dramatic one]

Let's pretend your city flooded, you were driving around in it, finally found a safe place to stash your car, carried your groceries across a few blocks through 2 feet of water, and then you/your spouse got into a car accident an hour later. What would you drink?

If you were Ben, you'd go to work and your wife wouldn't let you drive your car to work because a few of your lights were out and your bumper was living on a prayer.

If you were me, you'd have a good college friend and her girlfriend over and have some beers.

Earlier this week we had a small party for Ben's friends in honor of his new job in beer! That's right, he quit Starbucks and is now an assistant manager at the kickass fair-priced, super-cool-but-not-full-of-themselves beer bar, Cambridge Common. I'm always worried we won't have enough to drink, so now we have an entire beer shelf with about 36+ beers on it leftover. Oops!

My choices to forget worrying about Ben:

Ipswich IPA: fruity, grapefruity and piney, not-too-heavy, lovely for a hot day. B+
Oskar Blues Dale's Pale Ale: I think this is my new favorite beer. Makes great brats, too. A Hoppy bite, but drinkable--even if the ABV's in my 6-7.5% ABV "trouble zone" (it doesn't TASTE as alcoholic as a higher ABV beer, but it's definitely more powerful than anything under 6%. I'm mostly likely to overindulge at beers in this range).
Smuttynose Star Island Single: Not my favorite Smuttynose beer, but still enjoyable. B/B+ A bit astringent--I prefer it with the right food.

I tried a sip of Wachusett Ryde, which I just wasn't in the mood for and I drain-poured. A friend brought a six pack and left five. I'll try again with food and re-examine. I wanted something lighter. It's still too hot in Boston.

And yes, I totally prefer beer with food. Dale's Pale is great with or without, though. Perhaps I need lists of beers I like by themselves. Smuttynose Brown Dog? Great on its own. I turned a few people onto that at our BBQ. And Southampton makes some great drinkin' beers. Yes, we got a lot of variety 12 packs!

What about you? What do you like to drink when you fear the four horsemen may be knocking in your neighborhood?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

June Grades and Ranks

So, in June I was able to travel in Texas and Louisiana, drinking along the way. I will try not to repeat myself too much, but I have to say that the majority of the southern beers are lighter than their category counterparts up here in New England. I suppose people want more refreshing, lawnmower style beers to get through the heat, and trust me, it was hot when we were down there, but I feel like they are missing out on a lot of variety in body.


#1 Ommegang Three Philosophers. Paired with a dessert of sour cherries, vanilla ice cream & pretzel brittle. Changed the drink, not the love. A Tuesday, June 15, 2010 9:29:11 PM via web (A, A+)

Not often will I give the ol' A+, but this one has never disappointed in the times that I have had it. Maybe I always seem to have it associated with good memories, but I know that I will love it every time I drink it.


#2 Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout. A serious beer for serious beer lovers. Cocoa, coffee, and bourbon aging. A dessert beer, but great with steak and bleu. A Friday, June 11, 2010 7:42:45 PM via web. Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout. A dessert beer, best split. Great with balsamic (strawberries). The aging doesn't burn your throat. A 9:57 PM Jun 5th via web (A, A, A)

Would I choose 3 philosophers over KBS? No, because of rarity. But I haven't had this enough times to know that I love it. Plus I have had it's maple cousin, which outshines this wonderful beer.

#3 Real Ale Full Moon Rye. finally a beer being what i wanted it to be. brown with hops and balance. delicious here at the ginger man. A Friday, June 25, 2010 5:33:36 PM via txt (A, A)

The best beer I had in the south. I had it at the Ginger Man, which I didn't even realize was a "chain" until this month. The coziness of this old house converted to a bar was really enjoyable. But there was "that guy" who was talking loud at the bartender because he knew everything. Because of that, our bartender couldn't get out to serve us at a table. But about the beer, perhaps rye is the key ingredient for a good southern beer. I do declare!

#4 Pretty Things Field Mouse's Farewell. Delicious, as always. I probably will stop by their booth anyway at #acbf. Deliciously golden beer. A- Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:54:32 PM via web. Pretty Things Field Mouse's Farewell. This is an awesome American Wheat. PT can do no wrong. Great brunch beer @theindo. Fruity, too. A Sunday, June 06, 2010 12:21:57 PM via web (A-, A, A)

Another great beer from Pretty Things. A wheat beer that I love, which is a challenge.

#5 Allagash Victoria. Such a subtle flavor of red grapes, that you have to look for it when you have it. Add a notch to the "great" belt. A- 6:20 PM Jun 3rd via web (A-, A)

I am excited about the Allagash dinner at Cambridge Common this month. I do love this beer and the Victor. Either are worth the pick up if you see it.

#6 Abita Abbey Ale. super strong on the first sip but smoothed out great after. dark and nice body which hid that light spring water. A- Tuesday, June 29, 2010 12:26:40 AM via txt (A-, A)

It took us a while to find big bottles in the south. It was at a Kroger's, which had a great beer selection. You know, for a grocery store. Not even a fancy grocery store. Pick up this, a loaf of bread, a carton of milk, and a stick of butter. Abita is the king in Louisiana, and they had a lot of things to offer. They did a great job with the Abbey style.


#7 Urthel Hop-It. High in hops, but it doesn't burn you out at the end like hoppy beers do. Hops petal to the metal, but I felt safe. A- 8:02 PM Jun 3rd via web (A-, A-)

I had forgotten that I had this before when I had it. Still good.

#8 St. Arnold Elissa IPA. A lot better named. enjoyable and spicy grapefruit beer. best i tasted tonight. A- Thursday, June 24, 2010 9:37:57 PM via txt (A-, A- )

Straight from the brewery. This is where I discovered the tendency of too-light beers. At least this was right on, unlike the first one I had. St. Arnold is the craft beer of Texas. Don't mess with it.

#9 Abita Andygator. Oh a big bottle beer! a nice spicy Dopplebock. Light and drinkable. could be good with a spicy breakfast. or fish. A- Sunday, June 27, 2010 8:45:17 PM via txt (A-, A-)

Had this with the first seafood dish that I have eaten in like 10 years. It went well, too.

#10 Ithaca Alphalpha. This I bought straight from a tasting. Honey, grassy like the prairie, with a complex bitterness from every sip. A- Sunday, June 20, 2010 9:59:22 PM via web (A-, B+)

This is why there should be more tastings at liquor stores. I tried it and wanted it then and there.


#11 Smuttynose Old Brown Dog Ale. An old standby here in the house. Real easy and versatile, goes well with almost any meal. Always good. B+ Monday, June 21, 2010 9:26:28 PM via web (B+, B+)

A never failing standard. Do I have this every month?

#12 Smuttynose Maibock. @theindo, Beth's served in a ridiculously large mug. She tasted candy, I tasted pepper. Maybe we are both right. B+ 8:03 PM Jun 3rd via web (B+, B+)

Not the best of Smutty's big bottles, but I am always willing to try what they have to offer.

#13 Southampton Double Wit. Beer with Thai food is something that needs to happen more often. Thai burgers and curry fries? You'll be a Wit! B+ 9:00 PM Jun 2nd via web (B+, B+)

I think Southampton is due to explode on the Mass beer scene. They make a fine quality beer, and I haven't disliked anything. They are pretty easy to find. Don't pass them up if you are looking for something new to try.

#14 Sam Adams Old Ben Ale. A longshot beer. Nice barleywine style, better than other professionals. Tart and Tangy. Had it as my app. B+ Friday, June 11, 2010 7:43:47 PM via web (B+, B+)

I wish Sam Adams would pick this up permanently. Barleywine is easy to overdo, but this guy did it right.

#15 Abita Amber. finally got to try this. it is a home session beer with a little bit me smoky that carrier through. reminds me of Blvd. ... Sunday, June 27, 2010 8:40:50 PM via txt (B+, B)

This was recommended to me by a girl at ACBF who asked me if Abita was there. She made it sound good, and it was.

#16 Bear Repubic Red Hop Rye. Another good beer. Heavy hops, some rye. Would have been a great IPA. But if you call it rye, don't be shy. B+ Thursday, June 10, 2010 8:26:36 PM via web (B+, B)

While I no longer obsess over Bear Republic, I will have them every now and then. This is enjoyable, but compared to the other Ryes I have had, it stands a little lost.

#17 Lao Beer Dark Lager. My first Asian beer. Worked well enough will Thai, probably could be okay with other foods, too. Solid effort. B Wednesday, June 16, 2010 11:21:47 PM via web (B, B+)

My first Asian beer, recommended by someone who was just there in Southeast Asia. It was surprisingly good, though I am sure that there are a lot of beers from there than I may just not like. I am sure they suffer from the hot weather dilemma that the south does.

#18 Oskar Blues Ten Fidy. I respect the can, but the beer was better about 5-10 degrees warmer. Dark, smoky, good at the end. B+ 8:59 PM Jun 2nd via web (B+, B)

The more a drink this, the less impressive it is. Compare that to Dale's Pale Ale, which gets consistantly better. Not that it's bad, but once you get over the novelty of drinking a canned beer, it's just good, not great.

#19 St Arnold Amber. please name your beer right! great bitter beer but no weight to it. fresh at the brewery. b+ Thursday, June 24, 2010 8:33:40 PM via txt (B+, B)

This is a bitter, not an amber. It's won awards as a bitter... you think that would be a clue.


#20 Magic Hat Circus Boy. Hefes belong on hot muggy days. Not heavy lemony flavor, but held its own balance. Hello, Magic Hat. How are you? B+ 9:53 PM Jun 5th via web. Magic Hat Circus Boy. I have had some very good hefes now that I realize what I am drinking and why. MH does a good job, a gateway hefe. B Sunday, June 20, 2010 9:58:02 PM via web (B+, B, B)

I forget to have more Magic Hat. I know that I drank it almost exclusively at one point, but now that I have had a lot, I can appreciate its dependability.

#21 Harpoon UFO. IT was good a few weeks ago, but after the MH hefe, it was was put in its place. Only a notch down for bitterness. B 9:55 PM Jun 5th via web (B, B)

Same goes for Harpoon.

#22 Lazy Magnolia Southern Pecan. a simple brown with a hint me pecan that died away. still good but what is it with light body beers down here? B Tuesday, June 29, 2010 12:29:30 AM via txt (B, B)

Dear Lake Charles, I would like to know the name of the brewery and the style of the beer before I drink it. I'm just saying. This tasted like a brown that had a pecan thrown in it. It was fine, but only a hint of different flavor.

#23 Real Ale Devil's Backbone. texas local. says a belgian triple but not quite. still tasty, but only wrong name. b Thursday, June 24, 2010 6:00:05 PM via txt (B, B-)

I was disappointed that this was a Tripel. It could have been a lot of different things. Too light, too.

#24 Lazy Magnolia Jefferson Stout. apparently finding good draft beer is a challenge in lake chuck. this was a nice basic stout with decent body. b Sunday, June 27, 2010 7:37:06 PM via txt (B, B-)

I would have loved to have known that this was a cream stout before ordering.

#25 Element Brewing Red Giant. Took a few sips to get into it, took a few degrees to get out of it. But it was great in between. Timing! B Thursday, June 10, 2010 8:25:19 PM via web (B, B-)

It took me a while to even remember drinking this beer. That must have been that I wasn't impressed. Total M.O.R.