Sunday, July 11, 2010

Beer for the apocalypse [Beth, the dramatic one]

Let's pretend your city flooded, you were driving around in it, finally found a safe place to stash your car, carried your groceries across a few blocks through 2 feet of water, and then you/your spouse got into a car accident an hour later. What would you drink?

If you were Ben, you'd go to work and your wife wouldn't let you drive your car to work because a few of your lights were out and your bumper was living on a prayer.

If you were me, you'd have a good college friend and her girlfriend over and have some beers.

Earlier this week we had a small party for Ben's friends in honor of his new job in beer! That's right, he quit Starbucks and is now an assistant manager at the kickass fair-priced, super-cool-but-not-full-of-themselves beer bar, Cambridge Common. I'm always worried we won't have enough to drink, so now we have an entire beer shelf with about 36+ beers on it leftover. Oops!

My choices to forget worrying about Ben:

Ipswich IPA: fruity, grapefruity and piney, not-too-heavy, lovely for a hot day. B+
Oskar Blues Dale's Pale Ale: I think this is my new favorite beer. Makes great brats, too. A Hoppy bite, but drinkable--even if the ABV's in my 6-7.5% ABV "trouble zone" (it doesn't TASTE as alcoholic as a higher ABV beer, but it's definitely more powerful than anything under 6%. I'm mostly likely to overindulge at beers in this range).
Smuttynose Star Island Single: Not my favorite Smuttynose beer, but still enjoyable. B/B+ A bit astringent--I prefer it with the right food.

I tried a sip of Wachusett Ryde, which I just wasn't in the mood for and I drain-poured. A friend brought a six pack and left five. I'll try again with food and re-examine. I wanted something lighter. It's still too hot in Boston.

And yes, I totally prefer beer with food. Dale's Pale is great with or without, though. Perhaps I need lists of beers I like by themselves. Smuttynose Brown Dog? Great on its own. I turned a few people onto that at our BBQ. And Southampton makes some great drinkin' beers. Yes, we got a lot of variety 12 packs!

What about you? What do you like to drink when you fear the four horsemen may be knocking in your neighborhood?


Anonymous said...

"What do you like to drink when you fear the four horsemen may be knocking in your neighborhood?"

Whatever's in the fridge...obviously, I need to be more prepared.

Lauren and Matt said...

A homebrew. Duh.

Kidding! Kind of.

Matt and I had a Dale's Pale Ale and a Star Island Single (respectively) the other day at the Dogwood. Funny coincidence I wanted to share.