Sunday, November 30, 2008
Avery Brewing Company: Collaboration Not Litigation Ale
Beer: Collaboration Not Litigation Ale
Brewery: Avery Brewing Company, Colorado
Category: Strong Dark
The Drinker: Ben
Grade: B
Location purchased/drank: The Independent
Served from a : Tap
The Drink: From the menu: "Dark amber, Belgain style" and "Corriander, cloves, and malt". It certainly has a Belgian flair, and a true medium body.
Notes: Beth tried a sip and described it as "Coyingly Belgian". I think that it is a fine beer, but lacks anything to make it memoriable. I love that The Independent always has something exciting to try. Not my favorite Colorado brewery, though.
Founder's Brewing Company: Centenial India Pale Ale
Beer: Centenial India Pale Ale
Brewery: Founder's Brewing Company, Michigan
Category: India Pale Ale
The Drinker: Ben
Grade: A-
Location purchased/drank: Whole Foods/Home
Served from a : Bottle
The Drink: So hoppy. IT was tart and floral to the smell and definitely tart in taste. The color was the beautiful amber color that IPAs should have. For me it started off with a medium body, just because of the flavor, but tappered off into a light body. The aftertaste was a delightfu lspice that wasn't noticeable at first.
Notes: When I opened the first bottle, the air rushed out so fast that I thought I had cut myself. But, no, it was just a rush of cold air. First time that has ever happend to me. We ate this with a Mexican style dinner, and it paired great. I have had Founder's before at Sunset Grill, and loved that beer, too. Good stuff.
Anchor Beer Company: Our Special Ale 2006
Beer: Our Special Ale 2006
Brewery: Anchor Beer Company, California
Category: Holiday Seasonal
The Drinker: Ben
Grade: B
Location purchased/drank: Whole Foods/Home
Served from a : Bottle
The Drink: An aged beer, 2 years this time. It was red in the glass. The head stayed around a lot longer this time through. The body was lighter than the '06. There was the overall taste of nutmeg and pine, but not that overwhelming. More like you drinking at Christmastime, not drinking Christmas itself. The alcohol content was not as noticeable.
Notes: We had talked up with our friends how interesting the '03, we were planning to share the last four bottles. But too our surprise, the beer we had in hand was actually the beer we bought. So, we only had the 4 '06s and 2 '03s. We showed off our beer geekiness, and had a good time. We stuckit between Mexican meatloaf and yummy espresso chocolate cake. These two experiences with the holiday beer has led me to trust Anchor as a brewery and will look forward to trying other stuff.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Anchor Beer Company: Our Special Ale 2003
Beer: Our Special Ale 2003
Brewery: Anchor Beer Company, California
Category: Holiday Seasonal
The Drinker: Ben
Grade: B
Location purchased/drank: Whole Foods/Home
Served from a : Bottle
The Drink: An aged beer, 5 years. Syrupy in pour and texture. Sweet, too. Fruit notes, like red wine. Very quick dissipation of the head, but I suppose that is what is expected. The color is a dark cherry brown.
Notes: This was our first time buying an aged beer at a store. We had planned on buying the 2006, but we lucked out with 2 bottles of the 2003. We thought that we had got the whole six pack for cheaper, but it was just two random bottles in our pack. It was exciting, and definitely worth a taste if you ever get a chance.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Boston Beer Company: Sam Adams Winter
Beer: Sam Adams Winter
Brewery: Boston Beer Company, Massachusetts
Category: Winter Seasonal
The Drinker: Ben
Grade: B
Location purchased/drank: Bought by a friend/Home
Served from a : Bottle
The Drink: Surprisingly medium-bodied for a lager. There is a nice spice to it, perhaps cinnamon and other holiday type spices. Not what you think of as a lager
Notes: I am not a fan of lagers, but I will always drink this one if I have a choice. Sam Adams really puts a twist on this lager, making it heavier, which is what you want in a winter beer. I washed it down with cheese and crackers, how civilized.
Harpoon Brewery: Harpoon India Pale Ale
Beer: Harpoon India Pale Ale
Brewery: Harpoon Brewery, Massachusetts
Category: India Pale Ale
The Drinker: Ben
Grade: B+
Location purchased/drank: Bought by a friend/Home
Served from a : Bottle
The Drink: Light like a lager, but hoppy like an ale. Very tart and bitter taste, but well rounded and not unpleasant. Floral, sweet aroma, beautiful light-tan body.
Notes: This was my first New England beer. Though I now have more preferred beers, and there are certainly better beers, this beer to me is what an India Pale Ale should be.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Harpoon Brewery: Harpoon Winter Warmer
Beer: Harpoon Winter Warmer
Brewery: Harpoon Brewery, Massachusetts
Category: Winter Seasonal
The Drinker: Ben
Grade: B-
Location purchased/drank: The Field
Served from a : Tap
The Drink: Nutmeg. Light body with a tan color. Malty, but nutmeg. Some other winter spices, perhaps cinnamon and spruce. It was drinkable and enjoyable, but be prepared for nutmeg.
Notes: With Beth and company after her store's holiday meeting. It was crowded in the Central Square bar, with patrons at the bar not caring to move as a ordered. It was my second drink of the night. It was good, though Beth liked it more. Nutmeg burps, afterwords.
Brouwerij Huyghe: Delirium Nocturnum
Beer: Delirium Nocturnum
Brewery: Brouwerij Huyghe, Belgium
Category: Strong Dark
The Drinker: Ben
Grade: A-
Location purchased/drank: Wine and Cheese Cask/Home
Served from a : Bottle
The Drink: Poured into the proper glass. Stiff, tasty foam. This bites you at first with that signature Belgium taste, but it softens as you drink. Caramel sweetness is the finish, with a subtle spice tucked away.
Notes: I always will have a soft spot for any thing Delirium. I ate this at home with sausage and peppers and couldn't be happier. $4.50 for one bottle.
Brooklyn Brewery: Brooklyn Brown Ale
Beer: Brooklyn Brown Ale
Brewery: Brooklyn Brewery, New York
Category: Brown Ale
The Drinker: Ben
Grade: B
Location purchased/drank: Whole Foods/Home
Served from a : Bottle
The Drink: Dark color, but light flavor. The head and first sips were very yeasty, but a spice came near the end of the drink.
Notes: This was an odd combination to drink with stir-fry, but I think that is why I really tasted the spice in the end. I don't know if I have ever really noticed that before. It is a classic stand-by brown ale.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Brooklyn Brewery: Brooklyn Brown Ale
Beer: Brooklyn Brown Ale
Brewery: Brooklyn Brewery
Category: New York, Brown Ale
The Drinker: Beth
Grade: B+
Location purchased/drank: Whole Foods/Home
Served from a: Bottle
The Drink: Light body, yeasty aroma. Doesn't pair well with stir fry! Caramel undertones to aroma. Roasty sweet, spicey notes.
Notes: Great session beer, always a good choice (except with stir fry!)
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