Beer: Our Special Ale 2006
Brewery: Anchor Beer Company, California
Category: Holiday Seasonal
The Drinker: Ben
Grade: B
Location purchased/drank: Whole Foods/Home
Served from a : Bottle
The Drink: An aged beer, 2 years this time. It was red in the glass. The head stayed around a lot longer this time through. The body was lighter than the '06. There was the overall taste of nutmeg and pine, but not that overwhelming. More like you drinking at Christmastime, not drinking Christmas itself. The alcohol content was not as noticeable.
Notes: We had talked up with our friends how interesting the '03, we were planning to share the last four bottles. But too our surprise, the beer we had in hand was actually the beer we bought. So, we only had the 4 '06s and 2 '03s. We showed off our beer geekiness, and had a good time. We stuckit between Mexican meatloaf and yummy espresso chocolate cake. These two experiences with the holiday beer has led me to trust Anchor as a brewery and will look forward to trying other stuff.
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