Saturday, February 28, 2009

#10, Ben

Beer: Blunderbuss Barley Wine
Brewery: Cambridge Brewing Company, Massachusetts
Category: American Barleywine
Date Drank: 2/28/09
Grade: B
Location purchased/drank: Red Bones
Served from a: Tap

So, I have become rally fascinated with Barleywines. They are hoppy and full of alcohol. What's not to love? So, I had a chance to have CBC's Barleywine while out in David Sq. I think that it was a good drink. In fact, I drank two, but I wasn't overly wowed by it. I think that CBC produces from fine beer, and will always trust what they make. This is a solid example of what a barley should be, but not overly what it can be.

On a side note. This is not good for quenching heat from spicy food.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

#8 and 9, for Ben.

Beer: Raison D'Etre
Brewery: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, Delaware
Category: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Date Drank: 2/26/09
Grade: B-
Location purchased/drank: Silvertone
Served from a: Tap

Now that I am starting to really consider how beers do compare to each other, this received a lower grade. Well, lower than in would have when we were obsessed with it for a few months in 2007. But, when you compare it to Delirum Tremens, which is the pale Belgian, you would think that this would be similar. Drinking this, you don't really think of Belgian beer. Sure, it's tart, like you would want, but the kick was missing. Now, I love Dogfish madly, and gladly drink this, but it really is a middle of the pack good beer. Nothing more.

Beer: Anchor Steam Beer
Brewery: Anchor Beer Company, California
Category: Steam Beer
Date Drank: 2/26/09
Grade: B-
Location purchased/drank: Silvertone
Served from a: Bottle

Similar lines with the Steam Beer. The steam has to fermentation when refrigeration was scarce. Common back then, but not so much now. Now, I love Anchor and believe in their beer, but I have always felt that this should be their flagship. That this should be the beer that people remember them by. And, instead, it was like "honey and rye". Enjoyable, but nothing that made a lasting impression that would make me favorite it over other Anchor beers. Maybe if I had other Steam beers to compare it to, I would understand, but not in the larger picture.

Oh, and Silvertone was alright for beer when it comes to right-after-work office restaurants. The food was good, too.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

#7, Ben

Beer: Shakespeare Stout
Brewery: Rogue Ales Brewery, Oregon
Category: American Stout
Date Drank: 2/24/09
Grade: A
Location purchased/drank: Wine and Cheese Cask
Served from a: 22 0z bottle

This is what I want to taste when I drink a stout. As we know, I am a hoppy person, not the stout person that Beth is, but I think that it is a fine style of beer. When drink a stout, I want a nice body, but not one that chokes you as you drink it. I want to think of chocolate and coffee, the two best flavors for a stout. And this is a mixture of the two. It was a stout that I didn't mind drinking at all and I wanted more. It was refreshing! You don't think that about stouts, since they are more a desserty beer. But this one was just so damned enjoyable.

#4, Beth

Beer: Shakespeare Stout
Brewery: Rogue Ales Brewery, Oregon
Category: American Stout
Date Drank: 2/24/09
Grade: A
Location purchased/drank: Wine and Cheese Cask/home
Served from a: 22 0z bottle (in a glass)

I've had my fair share of stouts, so I feel more comfortable with this review. The beer was dark, almost black...with a thick nutty brown, but not foamy head (again, like stale foam, not like Guinness). The body was medium, the flavor dry and cleaning but hearty and chocolately with a hint of coffee. Rogue is one of my favorite breweries and this beer doesn't disappoint; I actually think it's a wonderful, drinkable (only 6% abv!) example of stout. I love dark coffee-like stouts as a rule, though.

Note: We drank this with BLTs. Mmmm...bacon and beeer. Much better than bacon beer...

Monday, February 23, 2009


Beer: Hennepin (Farmhouse Saison)
Brewery: Brewery Ommegang, New York
Category: Saison/Farmhouse Ale
Date Drank: 2/23/09
Grade: B+
Location purchased/drank: Wine and Cheese Cask/home
Served from a: 22 0z(?) bottle (in a glass)

This beer takes me back to Belgium (and makes me want to eat cheese with mustard and celery seed...all we have is shredded cheddar and bleu and goat cheese...not really going to work). Pale color, thick thick stiff settled older foam on a latte. Lots of lacing on the glass. Smells sweet and fruity with that Belgiany yeasty smell. Light, cleansing on tongue. Nice flavor. I really like this one. Great example of the style, I think.

#6, Ben

Beer: Hennepin (Farmhouse Saison)
Brewery: Brewery Ommegang, New York
Category: Saison/Farmhouse Ale
Date Drank: 2/23/09
Grade: B
Location purchased/drank: Wine and Cheese Cask (A gift!)
Served from a: 22 oz. bottle

Saisons are not my style of drink that I normally have, so it is hard for me to judge. I guess that's what this is. But it is done nicely, with a tart taste, golden body, a little clouding. It sticks with you in the back of the throat, which is probably why I don't normal drink this style. I'm giving it a B because I think this is what it should taste like. It is memeorable, but not WOW!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

100 Beers

Beer: Anchor Liberty Ale
Brewery: Anchor Brewing Company, California
Category: American Pale Ale
Date Drank: 2/22/09
Grade: B+
Location purchased/drank: Whole Foods/Home
Served from a: bottle

This is a great beer to have around the house. First tried it looking for a "plain ale" for beer-cheese bread--it's great in that, btw. Nice aroma, great with most of the foods we eat. Just a great session ale. Made us fall in love with Anchor. Also always makes me say "We've got the Liberty Ale..." like the Southwest Airlines ads for Philadelphia. Ha.


Homebrewing today is now a bust.
We thought our stock pot was is not 4+ gallons huge.
I didn't get paid on Friday at my new job like I was supposed to, and planning on.
Therefore no going out and buying a stock pot (we did go out and look at a stock pot, though).

Hopefully Thursday we will try. Still nervous.

100 Beers, Beth's turn

Okay, so it's not that I don't drink as often as Ben does, but rather that I'm starting this later than he is :-P

Beer: Brown Shugga Ale
Brewery: Lagunitas Brewing Company, California
Category: American Strong Ale
Date Drank: 2/21/09
Grade: B+/A-
Location purchased/drank: The Independent in Somerville
Served from a : bottle

When we arrived at the Independent our waitress, Sarah, told us they had one bottle of this left if we'd like it. Having had it on tap about a month ago there, I jumped at the opportunity. I think this is a great beer. It has a really dry finish, a rich malty body, and it's sweet like sugar (it's brewed with sugar)--but not cloying. I think it's a great winter beer between the sugary aroma and flavor reminding me of winter baking, and the 9.9% abv helping to warm me up. In general, I find Lagunitas beer to be delightful, I must add.

I did also drink a Smuttynose Old Brown Dog ale on tap last night as well, but the stronger flavor and 9.9% abv of the Brown Shugga definitely colored my experience of it, so I don't feel I can accurately discuss it. OBD is one of my favorite session beers, though.

100 different beers


Beer: Oaked Arrogant Bastard Ale
Brewery: Stone Brewing Company, California
Category: American Strong Ale

Date Drank: 2/21/09

Grade: B+

Location purchased/drank: The Independent

Served from a : Tap

I have had the original version of this beer and loved it, so I thought that I would give it a try oaked. Who knew that oak flavored beer would be good. At least it was done through a brewery I trust. Nice mix of body and aroma. Hoppy, but mellowed out by sweetness. It didn't necessary taste like oak, but like you were drinking from inside a wardrobe. The atmosphere, not the flavor.


Beer: Delirium Tremens
Brewery: Brouwerij Huyghe, Belgium
Category: Belgian Strong Pale Ale

Date Drank: 2/21/09

Grade: A-

Location purchased/drank: The Independent

Served from a : Tap

Almost impossible to pass when you see this beauty on tap. It was my gateway Belgian beer. It has the right mix of flavor, refreshing ability, plus that certain bitter kick that you should expect from a great Belgian beer. On BA, they describe it as "hazy golden", which I think is perfect.

Last night Beth and I went out with a couple of people from her Starbucks for a few drinks. I love the staff at the bar over there. I need people who want to go play scrabble and drink beer. You know, like 5 p.m., before the dinner rush. It's my third place!

100 different beers

To revive the blog, I'm going to review 100 different beers.

Format may change over time.


Beer: Anchor Liberty Ale
Brewery: Anchor Brewing Company, California
Category: American Pale Ale

Date Drank: 02/19/09

Grade: B

Location purchased/drank: Whole Foods

Served from a : Bottle

Anchor is a good brewery. I haven't had anything bad yet. Steam beer is an interesting concept, and apparently they are the only ones that do it. Whatever "it" is.


Beer: Grimbergen Dubbel
Brewery: Brouwerij Alken-Maes, Belgium
Category: Dubbel

Date Drank: 02/19/09

Grade: B

Location purchased/drank: Wine and Cheese Cask

Served from a : Bottle

Simple Belgian taste, though I almost gave it a B- because it taste much worse from the bottle then poured into a glass.


Beer: 60 Minute IPA
Brewery: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, Delaware
Category: American IPA

Date Drank: 02/20/09

Grade: B+

Location purchased/drank: Whole Foods

Served from a : Bottle

I love Dogfish! Though still the 90-minute is best.

Do-over/100 Beers of Beth and Ben

I think we need a do-over on this site.

We've had some trouble starting up this blog as we put too much pressure on ourselves to take REALLY good notes (which we sometimes find awkward to do when we're out) and then to find the right image, and scale it to fit the site, and then the blog became work instead of fun. So for now, while we get into doing this, we're going to do 100 Beers. Just quick little write-ups on 100 beers, each, with shorter notes, and probably no images unless we WANT to. We'll also probably write-up some beer news/thoughts on homebrewing/beer events.

Hopefully we start! Eep! We're nervous.

So, we hope you enjoy our revamped site. Here goes!

Also, as a note, we use as a source for beer styles, and other information we may use.