Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fluffy Bunnies and Social Media by Beth

A few weeks ago I found out on Twitter that Pretty Things Beer and Ale Project were coming out with a new beer called Fluffy White Rabbits. I was intrigued, not because of the name, but because I'm a total Pretty Things Fan Girl at this point (PTFG?). I wanted to try it, but couldn't make it to the Green Street launch party for a number of reasons, plus those kinds of things stress out this introvert to some degree.

Anywho, our favorite local bar, the Independent, posted to Facebook and Twitter that they had a keg on Friday. Oh yeah, we were so there. We actually had told them earlier in the week that they should try to get it because we were excited about the beer, so now we felt REALLY COOL that they had it. Anyhow, we went, enjoyed it, had two each, and ate some cheese (love their cheese plates, which is becoming an expensive side habit to this already expensive beer habit).

The beer was very drinkable...I actually didn't know the ABV until today (the website hadn't listed it on Friday and it wasn't on the Indo's beer list)'s stronger than it tastes, but I didn't feel all that much effect from it. I was well fed though. Anyway, it's very drinkable, with a real hop presence, but not in an assertive IPA/DIPA way, more in a tingly aromatic way. Great, drinkable, tripel flavor...a slight astringency, a touch of funk, lovely balance.

This beer definitely screamed SPRINGTIME, which was welcome on such a beautiful day as Friday was...especially after the Nor'easter that flooded the whole dang state earlier in the week. Really, the beer tasted like that first day when spring starts to emerge, the grass and dampness permeates, and it's time for some sun.

Loved it. Run, find it. Enjoy it. If you can't find it, drink whatever from Pretty Things you can.

Anyway, I also wanted to publicly point out how much I appreciate following my local businesses on twitter/facebook--they post their specials, what's on tap, events I'd be interested in going to...and I show up. It's just really great having the information sent to me. Okay, so my wallet and impending unemployment could do without the constant temptations, but a little beer is necessary during these tough times. So thanks to the Indo, and Emma's Pizza, for always tempting me and reminding me how much I love visiting your establishments.

1 comment:

Red Chuck Production Blog said...

"a little beer is necessary during these tough times"
