Sunday, April 25, 2010

Boston Bacon and Beer Festival 2010 (by Beth)

Yesterday was the much-anticipated Bacon and Beer Festival put on by @eatBoston and SoWa Sundays. I think it was a great festival, and I hope it really helped to get craft beer in more people's minds. I recognized a few local "celebrities." Top Chef season 1's Tiffani (I'm not your bitch, bitch) is apparently chef at the South End's Rocca Kitchen, the ladies of We are Not Martha were in attendance, and lots of brewers, of course. I also recognized lots of Beer Advocates, especially the festival organizers/captains/volunteers.

First, a little constructive criticism:

  • The line--The line to get in was long and slow-moving. We are nerds and got there early, but I had friends who came 10 minutes after it started, it took them 30 minutes to get through, and there were more people behind them in line. Ticket holders had to get their names checked off a list--there was only one table for this, despite all the names being divided into four groups (A-C, etc). If you have to check names off a list, get 4 tables for the 4 groups, and make them not have to cross path with each other to get wristbanded (actually, with tables you could have check-in one end of the table and wristbands at the end of the table).

  • Programs--would have been nice. I have no idea what I missed. Or what I ate.

  • Slop buckets--a place to rinse beer cups and throw any unwanted beer would have been welcome

  • Recycling/composting--I actually think they did a GREAT job at this. I was never looking for a place to put my stuff away. I never saw them overfill. Once things started winding down, though, some of the labels on the barrels disappeared and I didn't know where to throw things.

  • Layout--interspersing beer and food would have made for a few more surprises. Going back and forth got difficult.

  • Length--I think 4 hours was a bit long. We left between 4-5, when food started running out.

  • Food and beer lines--moved amazingly quickly.

So, the fest! Unfortunately, I think I need a new camera as mine kept dying...then working again...then dying again. So, you get a picture of Ben chowing down on a beignet with lardon and mustard-IPA sauce.

Beer: Most of the beers I'd had before--this is not a criticism, just why I didn't take many notes. It was about local beer, and there was awesome local beer!
A few places I hadn't heard of before (Cody Brewing? I didn't remember to try them, unfortunately). Since there were no programs, note-taking got cumbersome. I did try Brooklyn's Dark Matter for the first time--it was oaky and went well with bacon. I tried to stick to dark/smokey beers for this fest. I got to introduce my friend Lauren to Pretty Things and she was quite impressed...Dann and Martha from PT also impressed my friend and her husband as people. They're so sweet. And they liked my wing-ed squirrel t-shirt my mother-in-law gave me! Always happy to get people to try beer I LOVE made by nice, local people. Cape Ann had a Tea Party Killer barleywine that I missed out on, but I did enjoy their pumpkin stout-a good, smokey choice for a bacon festival.

We tried a bunch of our usuals...Mayflower Brewing knew that Ben was wearing a Mike Doughty T-shirt ("More Bacon than the Pan Can Handle"); tried Old Brown Dog (with Bacon) again from was really cold. Raison d'Etra from Dogfish Head. That's all I remember!

Food: The food was all excellent that I ate (apparently someone made really bad chicken wings, though). I was especially impressed with The Fireplace's large chunk of bacon over some puree with a chickpea salad...thing (see, I WANT PROGRAMS). It was soooo yummy. The beignets with lardon and IPA/mustard sauce from Gaslight were amazing, too. B.good made an awesome bacon-chocolate shake, which I thought had peanut butter in it, but it might not have. Garden at the Cellar had stellar bacon-date-goat cheese things. To die for. Also enjoyed Atwood's bacon-egg steamed rolls with candied bacon and maple syrup topping. I ate other stuff, too, but can barely remember it.

Overall: I think this is a great idea for a festival. I really enjoyed getting to try all the foods--I've never been to a food event like this, and I actually had already felt like I was on Top Chef BEFORE I saw Tiffani walk by me! I was even thinking "did the chefs think about what it would be like to try to eat this standing up with a spork?" (The Fireplace's was surprisingly easy to eat with a spork!).

I heard people in line talking about how they hoped to learn more about beer and the event, and I hope they did! I hope this allowed people to reach out of their comfort zones and learn something new/appreciate a new beer. I definitely found some restaurants I want to try--must say I'm already a huge fan of b.good and The Fireplace, though!

Great idea, great venue, great recycling/composting, great food and beer. AWESOME value ($25...seriously. It was a fundraiser so all the vendors must have donated. The quality of beer and food would have made a $50 price tag a bargain, although one I couldn't have probably afforded anyway). I really really enjoyed myself while I was there, and my constructive criticism is just that--meant to be constructive in hopes that they offer this event again!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Brewers Helping Neighbors Beer Fest

Honestly, I didn't know what to expect from this, and I don't think that anyone I was with did either. I was expecting just the same (big) local breweries with the same beers you can find everywhere.

But, when we hit the first table, it was Sam Adams, with a selection of beers that I had never seen before. And they were 5oz. pours, which was something that is a huge no-no for Ba. So, immediately, I was won over and hopeful for the night to come.

It has been a while since I was a patron at a beer fest. Instead of A-F grades, I give them a quick ++, +, 0, -, -- grade, based solely on first impression.

Sam Adams:
Latitude 48 (+) - Spicy and malty. Something to look for this summer.
Sam Adams Long Shot 2010 (the home brewers competition):
Lemon Pepper Saison (+) - More like lemon, less like pepper.
Old Ben (Ale?) (++) Deep in body, maltier.
Mile High Barleywine (++) - Smooth and spicy.

Ipswich Brewery:
Ipswich Original Ale (+) - Straight forward good ale.
Ipswich Oatmeal Stout (+) - Light for a stout, good oatmeal flavor.

We ended up buying an Ipswich mixer at the grocery.

Clown Shoes Brewing Company:
Hoppy Feet Black IPA (0) - Why is it black?
Brown Angel (0) - Light, smooth, spicy. Boring compared to everything else.

A note about Brown Angel, Beth was heated up about a discussion of the label on Ba. Basically, if the label is offensive to her, the she won't buy it.

Both are under Mercury Brewing. Amazing the difference.

Blue Hills Brewery:
Munich Lager (0) - At first, bullion, but then bay leaf. something stew-like.

I have not been impressed by them. Maybe it was just the pourer, but I feel like this is Annoying Rich White Guy brewing. Not to be confused with Jim Koch of Sam Adams.

Mayflower Brewing Company:
Pale Ale (++) - Refreshing, what a session beer should be.
IPA (+) - Grapefruit beer.
Porter (+) - Porters are not stouts. *can't read other note*

Mayflower was the highlight of the fest. Though we talked with Ipswich longer. I don't know why we don't buy more Mayflower.

Harpoon Brewery:
Belgian Pale Ale (0) - Taste like Harpoon doing a Belgian.

Everything else they had I have tried before. Good thing that I didn't start with them.

And, in the end, it was a great time. Thank you very much to our friend Beck for the half-price tickets.

Monday, April 5, 2010

March Grade and Ranks

Good month for beer, even if I got sick and didn't drink much. The first grade is the tweet grade (or average of grades), the second is my second opinion grade. I don't mean to go all gushy over Pretty things, but seriously, they are doing things so right.


#1 Pretty Things Fluffy White Rabbits. nice triple. is there anything that they cant Do well? Its a must try. A- 8:07 PM Mar 19th via txt
Pretty Things Fluffy White Rabbits. This time from a bottle. Now that I knew what to expect, even more enjoyable. Love the bite w/ hops. A 7:47 PM Mar 24th via web (A, A)

Such a relaxing beer, and you should seek this out if you can.

#2 Pretty Things Mild Ale. Historic recipe. A lot hoppier/spicier than I imagined, but I didn't really read the label. DFH 90 with malt. A 8:03 PM Mar 22nd via web (A, A-)

It lost a little luster in the shadow of the Fluffy White Rabbits. Maybe I shouldn't count that against it?


#3 Lost Abbey Lost & Found. Dubbel. Raisins and figs, extremely smooth for a Dubbel, Beth says it's more like a Brune. Also a bit sweet. A- 8:04 PM Mar 11th via web (A-, A-)

I definitely will search this one out again.

#4 Ommegang Three Philosophers. A fruity quad. Haven't had this since I got snookered at Thanksgiving. Deliciously rich. A- 7:32 PM Mar 27th via web (A-, A-)

This is a "knock you on your ass with a smile" beer. If you want a stiff beer that is very drinkable, this is the one.

#5 Mikkeller Beer Geek Breakfast. Slowly loving this brewery. Oatmeal and coffee, Beth loved the "cocoa notes" from the coffee. Tart. A- 8:07 PM Mar 1st via web (A-, A-)

The name says it all, but no Founder's KBS.

#6 Allagash White. With a lemon, and the wrong glassware? I mean, sure, I was happy it was there, but I know it could be better. B+ 8:39 PM Mar 13th via web (B+, A-)

Negative experience with a great beer, don't let it fool you.

#7 Great Divide Hibernation Ale. Does not go with thai food. Or necessarily after being sick. Too intense for tonight, but I know I love it. B 6:37 PM Mar 6th via web
Great Divide Hibernation. Seriously a delicious & strong beer. I can't believe I almost didn't buy it. Such elegant balance and taste. A- 8:32 PM Mar 30th via web (B+, A-)

Paired right, this ale will take you a long way.

#8 Bear Republic Red Rocket Ale. Supper hoppy Amber beer. A great in between beer, when you are not sure what you want. lovely color. B+ 8:49 PM Mar 25th via web (B+, A-)

Had three of these over the month. It got better each time.

#9 Avery duganA IPA. "dark and piney" IPA, really well balanced for as extremely hoppy as it was. A leftover from EBF, a show-off IPA. A- 8:05 PM Mar 1st via web (A-, B+)

Apparently it didn't leave a lasting impression (to the end of the month) with me.


#10 Smuttynose IPA. The last of that 6-pick I have been nursing. Drank it warmer today, made it spicier. Enjoyed it immensely. B+ 8:15 PM Mar 9th via web (B+, B+)

The best of the local and easy-to-find IPAs out there.

#11 Rouge Dead Guy Ale. a lot more hops than i remember. still good. But bitter. b+ 7:20 PM Mar 20th via txt (B+, B+)

Borderline session beer. I wouldn't want to drink too many of these in a night or else I would be in pain. But it is extremely versitile in small amounts.

#12 Mayflower Golden Ale. cask. citrus and spicy. Yay for the indo having a cask. heart that they know us. b+ 7:59 PM Mar 15th via txt (B+, B)

I really am trying to branch out of my comfort zone, but it doesn't mean I will love everything that I try. I need to go back to the Indo and have another cask.


#13 Sierra Nevada Kellerweis. Also good this time around. I wasn't looking to be wowed or overpowered. Nice solid weis taste, enjoyable. B 7:23 PM Mar 5th via web (B, B)

Now this is a great, easily available beer. They tried something different, and they succeeded.

#14 Dogfish Head 60 minute IPA. The last time I'm comparing with Smutty IPA. I want 60 to have a bigger body, to balance the hops. Or a 90. B 8:36 PM Mar 10th via web (B, B)

Other DFH IPAs are better.

#15 Great Divide Old Ruffian. Rough is right. Solid effort, but very peppery and whiskey-like. Not the best bareleywine, but I still love GD. B 8:20 PM Mar 15th via web (B, B)

Again, all about the right drink at the right time.


Sam Adams Noble Pils. Wow, haven't had a Pils for a while. Hoppy with very summery and light taste. Good job from a large company. B- 8:25 PM Mar 28th via web (B-, C+)

Compared to everything else on the list, I just can't get into it. It is fine and you should try it, but I am always looking for something more balanced and less one-flavor.