Monday, March 30, 2009

Redbones celebrates Boulder Beer, #22 & #23

I Hope that Beth catches up soon in posting. I like seeing her thoughts on what she drinks.

Beer: Mojo Risin' Double IPA
Brewery: Boulder Beer, Colorado
Category: American Double IPA
Date Drank: 3/30/09
Grade: B
Location purchased/drank: Redbones
Served from a: Tap

I love the DIPAs, but I, for some reason, never really got around to drinking this. I liked it. A little cloudy in color and the hops will bite you right away. The malt was more of an after taste than a taste. As it is, Boulder has a good track record, and are a solid brewing company. If you like your DIPA to bite then sooth, it's a good choice.

Beer: Planet Porter - Cask Conditioned
Brewery: Boulder Beer, Colorado
Category: American Porter
Date Drank: 3/30/09
Grade: A-
Location purchased/drank: Redbones
Served from a: Cask

This is an excellent beer with a cask condition. It was really velvety smooth, with a subtle hint of cocoa. It had a nice medium body that made it drinkable. And, without the additional nitrogen it felt settled. Like, not coffee grounds settled, but after stirring something settled. It was highly enjoyable and I wonder what it is like when it is not cask-condition. Hell, if you are reading this right now, get down to Redbones.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ben, #20, #21

Beer: #9
Brewery: Magic Hat Brewing Company, Vermont
Category: Fruit/Vegetable Beer
Date Drank: 3/21/09 & 3/27/09
Grade: B-
Location purchased/drank: The Thirsty Scholar & Champions & bottle
Served from a: Tap & bottle

I never thought that I would give one of my gateway beers such a low grade. But really, in the large scheme, it is not all that low. I just know what I like and I tend to only drink that way. But, anyway, Magic Hat, to where Beth and I even went to the brewery on our honeymoon, is a good beer company with good beer. You definitely should try it if you are ever near it. It is the imfamous apricot beer. It is smooth as drinking anything full of citrus can be. Hazy, and medium. Not that heavy in alcohol, so it is a good every day type of drink. Sometimes it is a relief for me to see this on the menu, like at Champions, but with Thirsty Scholar, where I expect more selection, just resolved to drink this because I know what to expect.

Beer: Tremont Ale
Brewery: Shipyard Brewing Co., Maine
Category: English Pale Ale
Date Drank: 3/21/09
Grade: B
Location purchased/drank: The Thirsty Scholar
Served from a: Tap

This beer is a little powerhouse of an English Ale. I am starting to see that I like the English Pale Ales, and never really seem to want to get an American Pale Ale. Typically English ingredients and hard water are what make the flavor. Buttery. Hoppy. Yes, these are ingredients that I can get behind.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ben, #18 & #19

Beer: Abbey Normal
Brewery: Cambridge Brewing Company, Massachusetts
Category: Dubbel
Date Drank: 3/24/09
Grade: B
Location purchased/drank: Cambridge Brewing Company
Served from a: Tap

Unlike the Strong Ales that I tend to pick when I drink Belgian, this is not as tart and fruity as I am used to. It was describe as raisiny, and malty, which both CBC did deliver on. It did have a classic Belgian taste to it, but grew more mild as I drank it. Solid beer, and anything seasonal is worth the try at CBC.

Ipswich Original Ale
Brewery: Mercury Brewing Company, Massachusetts
Category: English Pale Ale
Date Drank: 3/15/09
Grade: B+
Location purchased/drank: Miracle of Science & Whole Foods
Served from a: Tap & Bottle respectively

Ipswich is so unassuming when it comes to beer. They don't try to over power you with flavor, but simply make something that is enjoyable. And there original ale is just that. This is an ale that you would want if you sat down and said, "Give me an ale!" I guess smooth would best describe it, since it is there to drink leisurely or wash down a meal. I bought this for both occasions. I tend to like my beers that are memorable for a reason, but it is pretty much memorable without. Great for parties, like a baby shower!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ben's #16 & #17

My list of beers to review was getting as long as those that I those that I had already reviewed.

Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout
Brewery: Anderson Valley Brewing Company, California
Category: Oatmeal Stout
Date Drank: 3/18/09
Grade: B
Location purchased/drank: The Independent
Served from a: Tap

THough Beth loved this beer, I wasn't overly impressed. Sure, it was a good beer, but I wasn't won over with body or taste, the two things that I expect from a stout. I guess that I really want my stouts to be like drinking milk (body wise). But, hey, it was enjoyable to the last drop. It went well with the ice-cream layered cake that we chose to eat.

Beer: Hercules Double IPA
Brewery: Great Divide Brewing Company, Colorado
Category: American Double/Imperial IPA
Date Drank: 3/16/09
Grade: A-
Location purchased/drank: The Independent
Served from a: Tap

My first experience with this was way back in Colorado, I believe at the Great American Beer Fest, and I have loved it ever since first sip. It falls into the grapefruit-like beer that I love, but it also has body, too. Great Divide is a leader among great beers, and certainly try anything you find... except the rice-beer. Funny, though, after tasting a lot of those and mentally comparing to other DIPAs, this is not all that an uncommon a taste. Either I have good picking skills or I just love the whole group. But, this one will always hold a special place for me.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Beth and I are both going to volunteer at the American Craft Beer Fest.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ben's #15

I need to maybe keep a list on my person so I know what I have and have not reviewed. Probably right now is fine, but imagine about 70 beers in?

Brutal Bitter Ale
Brewery: Rogue Ales Brewery, Oregon
Category: Extra Special/Strong Bitter
Date Drank: 3/9/09
Grade: B+
Location purchased/drank: Wine and Cheese Cask/home
Served from a: 22 oz Bottle in a glass

This is a hop lover's beer. You take a sip and say, "My, this is bitter. Yet coyingly enjoyful." Hoppy, yes, but the malt is there to tune it down. But just a little. The balance is kinda like a sweet &sour sauce. The whole ah-ooh affect. But, being brutal, this beer only does get a B+ for it is more of a novelty than a thirst quencher. I put down my glass and felt happy, but was okay that I didn't have more.

#13 Beth

Beer: Brutal Bitter Ale
Brewery: Rogue Ales Brewery, Oregon
Category: Extra Special/Strong Bitter
Date Drank: 3/9/09
Grade: B
Location purchased/drank: Wine and Cheese Cask/home
Served from a: 22 oz Bottle in a glass

Pours a hazy golden caramel with a strong head. Aroma of hops (grapefruity) but also yeast and a malty sweet background. I like it, but it's not my beer. A bit too much hops and not balanced by the malt--malt is there, but I like my malty beers. I'm sure it's good if you like hoppy beers (let's see Ben's review!)

Friday, March 6, 2009

#12, Beth

Racer 5 IPA
Brewery: Bear Republic Brewery, California
Category: American IPA
Date Drank: 3/6/09
Grade: A
Location purchased/drank: Whole Foods/home
Served from a: Bottle

Honestly? I'm not a huge IPA fan. I taste them and I think "Okay, but I might as well be drinking grapefruit juice." Many double IPAs, the ones I like, usually have a hoppy balance to counteract the...grapefruitiness...of the beer, and I appreciate it. Single IPAs are generally not that complex in my experience. This beer? Is great. The flavor is a bit grapefruity (really, I think hops taste like grapefruit, and can't get over it), but there's a bit more balance. A floral quality. Maybe a hint of apples in the beer. It has a bit more body than most beers of its lingers. Astringent on the tongue. Really drinkable. Great with Mexican food (which we've done twice, at least, with this six-pack. Forget what we drank with it last week)

#14, Ben

Beer: Racer 5 IPA
Brewery: Bear Republic Brewery, California
Category: American IPA
Date Drank: 3/6/09
Grade: A-
Location purchased/drank: Whole Foods
Served from a: Bottle

This is a fine example of a normal IPA. Compare this to the Harpoon version, and you'll see what can be done so simply, yet so strong in flavor. It is an easy drinking experience, too. Sure, it is bitter, but it goes down with now aftertaste/afterburps. Decently high, too, in the alcohol. I first had this, knowingly, at a bar in Northampton. I loved it there, but was weary of California beers. I still think that the majority of California beers suck. But this one is a keeper. I drank three (over a week) expecting something to be bad about it, but really, this might be the finest single IPA I have had.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

10 & 11, Beth

Newcastle Brown Ale
Brewery: Scottish & Newcastle UK, Ltd; United Kingdom (Scotland)
Category: English Brown Ale
Date Drank: 3/5/09
Grade: B
Location purchased/drank: Punch's Alley (the bar at Wellesley College)
Served from a: bottle (no glass)

My beer was probably served too cold as it didn't have much flavor. Newcastle's one of those standby beers, at least for me. In the Sam Adams category...good, more likely to be available than other beers, not usually my first choice. Malty, hint of hops in background. Really, it was served too cold. But it's a college bar and what do I expect. Medium bodied.

Grimbergen Dubbel
Brewery: Brouwerj Alken-Maes, Belgium
Category: Dubbel
Date Drank: 3/5/09
Grade: A-
Location purchased/drank: Wine and Cheese Cask, home
Served from a: Bottle, poured into a tulip-shaped glass

Drank this with pork chops tonight--good pairing. Brownish-reddish hue, low carbonation. Raisen-like flavor (but not cloying like Raison D'Etre). Sweet aroma--fruity, alcohol, yeast smells all present. Flavor is sweet, but not too sweet--making it great with the pork. Sour ending--almost like an Oude Kriek, but more mellow. Loved this beer since we had it in Brussels. Definitely don't serve too cold--my glass, that I'm still drinking, has been warming up for about an hour and tastes better and better as it does so. We keep our fridge a little too cold, but the flavor just pours out of it at a slightly warmer temperature.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Boston Beer Scene

Just two links about the local Boston beer scene, partially to remind me of places to try.

List of Beer Bars

Interview with on of Beer Advocate's Alstom brothers

#11, 12, 13, Ben

Beer Advocate has taken away their state listings on beer reviews? Makes things a little more annoying, but oh well. Things will work out.

Harpoon IPA
Brewery: Harpoon Brewery, Massachusetts
Category: American IPA
Date Drank: 3/1/09
Grade: B-
Location purchased/drank: The Cheesecake Factory
Served from a: Tap

This was one my beer. This is my gateway beer to beer snobbery. And it is still a delicious and refreshing beer. But, since I have matured in my tastes, there is nothing special or defining about this beer anymore. for me. Certainly, if you haven't had it, try it, but there are better examples and variations. This is a starter beer, I suppose. It is what an IPA is supposed be, hoppy and with citrus flavor. This is the first beer that Beth called a Ben-beer.

Beer: Unearthly IPA
Brewery: Southern Tier Brewing Company, New York
Category: Double IPA
Date Drank: 3/2/09
Grade: A-
Location purchased/drank: The Independent
Served from a: Tap

Solid, solid beer. Funny to review this after the Harpoon. I love Imperials/Double IPAs. They have the flavor profile on an IPA (well, doubled), but they beef it up with body, like malt. On top of that, it is high in alcohol. So, it is quite the drinking experience. I love that the Independent always has one of this style on top. Looking at the picture from BA, I have seen the bottle for sale before at Whole Foods. Maybe I will put two and two together and try to buy this at some time, for person use at home.

Beer: Double Simcoe IPA
Brewery: Weyerbacher Brewing Co., Pennsylvania
Category: Double IPA
Date Drank: 3/2/09
Grade: B
Location purchased/drank: The Independent
Served from a: Tap

I had had this before, and enjoyed it, but drinking it right after the Unearthly, you realize how much more this beer could be. It certainly had less body to it, and it had a piney taste. Which is fine, but it certainly distracted from the bigger drinking picture. As the Unearthly went down so smooth, every time you took a sip of this one, you said to yourself, "Oh yeah, this is what I am drinking." I like beers that want to be your friend and not be the center of attention.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Grade inflation

So, Ben and I have been discussing grading the beers...and, starting today, we have a new standard. "C" is the cut off between beers we'd choose again and those we wouldn't. "A"s are beers we have to get if we see them on the menu, "B"s are beers we'd like to get off the menu, "C"s are beers we wouldn't turn down, "D"s & "F"s we'd have to find a polite way to say "no, thanks" before running away and screaming. The end.

8, 9: Beth Snow Beers

Beer: Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout
Brewery: Anderson Valley Brewing Company, California
Category: Oatmeal Stout
Date Drank: 3/2/09
Grade: B+/A-
Location purchased/drank: The Independent
Served from a: Tap

Dark brown, lacing on glass. Very smooth and creamy (mouth-feel). Nice flavor: sweet with a hoppy balance. Caramel/chocolate/coffee/oatmeal flavors. Toasty. Very drinkable...5.7 ABV; sessionable. I really enjoyed the balance of this beer...stout flavor, but not overwhelming. Really enjoyable beer.

Beer: Old Brown Dog
Brewery: Smuttynose Brewing Company, New Hampshire
Category: English Brown Ale
Date Drank: 3/2/09
Grade: A-
Location purchased/drank: The Independent
Served from a: Tap

This is one of my favorite session beers; I will gladly drink this (and most Smuttynose beers) anywhere, anytime. Great balance...malt flavor comes first, with a hoppy aftertaste (sort of the opposite of good, balanced IPA). Flavor is, as one BA drinker noted "charred oak, reminds me of a cold autumn day in New England"...and that's exactly when and why I want to drink it. It's a great New England beer. Simple, but good beer.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

5, 6, 7: Beth

This is where it gets hard for me...writing about beer after going somewhere socially/where I'm not necessarily there for the beer. But I'm just gonna do it and let it be fun! This is not about being right, it's about learning. With that, here are 5/6/7

Beer: Raison D'Etre
Brewery: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, Delaware
Category: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Date Drank: 2/26/09
Grade: B-
Location purchased/drank: Silvertone
Served from a: Tap

I loved this beer a year ago. I don't know if my tastes have evolved or if the year was better then (I think I was drinking the 2003) or if it's aged or what, but now I find it a little too...chewy and pruney. A little unpleasantness in the back of my mind as I drink this. It's even a little too sweet and I love a sweet, malty beer...I guess this is a sweet, fruity beer. I prefer sour fruity beers. I'm weird. Someone on beeradvocate mentioned it would be great for braising...and I think, in our hey-day with this beer we did make Flemish stew with it and it was great...I always think it would be great with pork or duck when I drink it. That raisiny, fruity sweetness would work well with those.

Beer: Anchor Steam Beer
Brewery: Anchor Beer Company, California
Category: Steam Beer
Date Drank: 2/26/09
Grade: B-
Location purchased/drank: Silvertone
Served from a: Bottle

Another beer I've had before and didn't like as much this time. The restaurant served us just the bottle, we both took one swig and poured the rest into our glasses from the Raison D'Etre. I liked this on tap at the Burren, but now in a bottle it tasted stale (might be the restaurant's doing, though). Ben and I discussed its "honey and rye" flavors...not in a good way. Don't know a lot about the style, though. Just not my thing that night, but the more I think about how I liked it at the Burren, the more I think Silvertone skunked it. I added a link to Beer Advocate's style information.

Beer: CaCow! Chocolate Milk Stout
Brewery: Cambridge Brewing Company, MA
Category: Milk/Sweet Stout
Date Drank: 2/28/09
Grade: A-
Location purchased/drank: Redbones
Served from a: tap

I really enjoy the creaminess of milk stouts. It's a pleasant chewiness. It's sweet and dry, too. Lots going on. It had a really intense flavor that reminded me of CBC's You Enjoy My Stout, but not as over-powering as that (I don't know how to describe it, but it was too much in YEMS, but a nice contrast in CaCow!). Rich and chocolately, dark and malty. Very nice beer.