Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ben, #18 & #19

Beer: Abbey Normal
Brewery: Cambridge Brewing Company, Massachusetts
Category: Dubbel
Date Drank: 3/24/09
Grade: B
Location purchased/drank: Cambridge Brewing Company
Served from a: Tap

Unlike the Strong Ales that I tend to pick when I drink Belgian, this is not as tart and fruity as I am used to. It was describe as raisiny, and malty, which both CBC did deliver on. It did have a classic Belgian taste to it, but grew more mild as I drank it. Solid beer, and anything seasonal is worth the try at CBC.

Ipswich Original Ale
Brewery: Mercury Brewing Company, Massachusetts
Category: English Pale Ale
Date Drank: 3/15/09
Grade: B+
Location purchased/drank: Miracle of Science & Whole Foods
Served from a: Tap & Bottle respectively

Ipswich is so unassuming when it comes to beer. They don't try to over power you with flavor, but simply make something that is enjoyable. And there original ale is just that. This is an ale that you would want if you sat down and said, "Give me an ale!" I guess smooth would best describe it, since it is there to drink leisurely or wash down a meal. I bought this for both occasions. I tend to like my beers that are memorable for a reason, but it is pretty much memorable without. Great for parties, like a baby shower!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was your first beer looking for male/female drummer?